
Rocio Salazar
El Obraje, Colombian coffee beauty

El Obraje, Colombian coffee beauty

  There is a lot to talk about when El Obraje shows up. It was our first coffee, that one that opened the doors to this small business and new roastery. It became our first baby LOL. This specialty single origin coffee comes from Nariño, that is one of Colombia’s 32 Departments. It shares a southern border with Ecuador and is home to thousands of smallholder coffee producing families. Colombia’s three ranges of Andean mountains converge in Nariño, presenting ideal altitudes and fertile soil for high grown Arabica production. Nariño’s particular geography and proximity to coastal and land borders have...

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Tierra Maya, from the land of Chiapas

Tierra Maya, from the land of Chiapas

Tierra Maya is considered as a FAIRTRADE organic coffee, in which you can find and unlock the notes of juicy cranberries, vanilla, apricot, dark chocolate and balanced acidity. Sound great, right? 

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Colombian Coffee, hand crafted in Greenville

Colombian Coffee, hand crafted in Greenville

  This is the second coffee that we launched on our coffee journey. The name made many think that this coffee had artificial flavors. Actually specialty coffee has NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS, the reason why is called this way Aponte Cherry is basically that the beans stay a little longer in the cherry giving the opportunity to the coffee to absorb more of the sugars and good stuff so that your coffee can taste even better.  The notes of this coffee are amazing, the sweetness is present together with the classic cup balance of the Colombian coffee. This coffee can be...

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